come home

come home

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Still taken from the video by Toon:

Joop: “Wherever you are, stop being there and start being here, instantly.” is een zin afkomstig uit The Mystery of The Sardine, een roman van de onnavolgbare Pools-Britse schrijver, surrealist en duizendpoot Stephen Themerson (1910-1988).
De rest van de tekst is een onderbouwing van het verzoek/bevel met een lijst van wederkerende uitdrukkingen, ontdaan van hun wederkerigheid. In de hoop dat Themerson daar zijn zegen aan zou hebben gegeven. Het onderliggende motief van de opsomming is, denk ik, luiheid. Ik heb liever dat jij mijn best doet, je op mijn gemak voelt, op mijn tellen past, mijn stem verheft, etc.

Joop: “Wherever you are, stop being there and start being here, instantly.” is a sentence taken from The Mystery of The Sardine, a novel by the inimitable Polish-British writer, surrealist and jack-of-all-trades Stephen Themerson (1910-1988).
The rest of the text is a substantiation of the request/command with a list of recurring phrases, stripped of their reciprocity. In the hope that Themerson would have given his blessing to them. The underlying motive of the enumeration is, I think, laziness. I would rather you do my best, watch my step, raise my voice, etc.


wherever you are
stop being there
and start being here
wherever you are
stop being there
and start being here

wherever you are
stop being there
and start being here
wherever you are
stop being there
and start being here
i need you here
to blow my wig
to get my nuts
to bust my caps
i need you here
to do my best
to change my mind
to mind my steps
wherever you are
stop being there
and start being here
wherever you are
stop being there
and start being here

i need you here
to raise my voice
to blow my own horn
to guzzle my gas

i need you here
to take my chance
to flip my lid
to be flat on my ass

wherever you are
stop being there
and start being here
wherever you are
stop being there
and start being here

© all rights reserved Stemra 2024


joop van brakel: guitar, vocals, sample-sounds programming, lyrics
toon bressers: drums, loop, percussion- and sample-sounds programming, clip
janet gilbert: backing vocals
frans hagenaars: live recording at popei eindhoven
henk janssen: guitar, mix
hans nijssen en jules bressers: live video recording
peter sijbenga: bass guitar


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